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Circuit Fantôme s5e2 : Raúl Minsburg

  • vronihof 24 Veronikagasse Wien, Wien, 1170 Austria (map)

Circuit Fantôme -
series of octophonic / acousmatic listening sessions and performances,
curated by Anton Iakhontov (Patrick K.-H.) and Daniel Teruggi.

Season 5 Episode 2: Raúl Minsburg

Historia de la pólvora (2011, 10:48) | Retrato de la noche (2018, 9:08) | Caída libre (2023, 5:04) | El gesto ausente (2015, 11:11) | Canción de cuna (2022, 7:31)

Supported by Stadt Wien Kultur.

7 March, four shows: at 18:15, 19:15, 20:15 and 21:15
Pay as you wish

March 6

free music forum : Sophie Agnel x Joke Lanz

March 7

Der Betrieb x echoraum #1 (Soundwalk & Konzert)