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5 Millionen Pesos: Javentu

  • orf radiokulturhaus radio cafe 30A Argentinierstraße Wien, Wien, 1040 Austria (map)

>>> Vitus Denifl : saxophine | Jacob Gregersen : electric bass

have been performing together since 2021, creating expansive, repetitive soundscapes influenced by jazz and music from India to the Caribbean. Their compositions range from trance-like intensity to poetic melancholy, with a focus on movement and dance, which becomes a physical presence in their music. Fresh energy from the Salzach!

listen : JAVENTU live at JazzIt Salzburg

March 21

Homo Phaser · Mieryela

March 22

Mvd0ae x David Wallraf x Myst.K | Ora Et Labora x Laptop Ensemble Novi Sad